Viewfull international company LTD. (collectively “we”) own and operate the site. Our site facilitates a convenient way to shop online by using our site (collectively “service”).By accessing this site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
一.網上購物條款及細則Order Terms and Conditions
Prices are subject to alteration or modification at the time of your submission of the order.
We shall make reasonable effort to ensure that prices, details and stock status on site are up to date. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. If from time to time products become out of stock, we reserve the right to cancel your order.
Our Company reserves the right to put additional surcharges on any changes to recipients’ address during an ongoing delivery process.
Customers using our website services must be acknowledged and agreed that our Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or any damages for loss of profits and / or data or other intangible losses.
Our Company shall ensure all deliveries be completed according to customers’ preferred / requested date. Our Company reserves all the right for non-refundable on any unsuccessful deliveries that exceed more than 15 days.
6.When you submit any user-generated content including all text, files, images, photos, sounds, videos or other materials to our site, you grant to us, a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable fully paid-up and royalty-free license to reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, publicly perform, modify, prepare derivative works of, display and otherwise use the User Content in connection with the site, including without limitation for the purposes of promoting and redistributing part or all of the site in any media formats and through any media channel. Without limitation, the rights that you grant to us under this clause 10.1 include a right to grant each user of the site a sub- license to use the User Content to the extent permitted by the functionality of the site from time to time. You hereby waive, and procure that all other authors of the User Content waive, all moral rights in the User Content (including rights to be identified as the author of the User Content or to object to any derogatory treatment of the User Content), whether such rights subsist now or at any time in the future in any place in the world.
You represent, warrant and covenant that:
You have the legal right and authority to grant the license in clause 6 above;
透過行使上文第6的特許,我們不會侵犯任何第三方的知識產權或其他權利;You are the owner of the User Content and/or have all of the necessary rights, consents, permissions and licenses which are required for you to grant us the license in clause 6 above; By exercising the license in clause 6 above, we shall not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party;
To the extent that the User Content identifies any individual (whether by name, picture or otherwise), you have obtained all consents and permissions from those individuals which are required for us to use the User Content as contemplated by the license in clause 6 above;
應我們的要求,閣下將向我們提供閣下須取得的任何同意、准許及特許的書面副本。The User Content does not include any material that may be illegal, defamatory, obscene, offensive, harmful to the safety of any person, aimed at harassing any person or otherwise is inappropriate for display on our site At our request, you will provide us with written copies of any consents, permissions and licenses that you are required to obtain.
7.在本合同項下,並無其他人擁有任何權利。這份合同是閣下與我們之間簽定的。除本條款另有規定外,任何其他人均無權根據《合約(第三者權利)條例》(香港法例第623章)或以其他方式執行本合同的任何條款。This contract is between you and us. Unless otherwise set out in these Terms, no other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms, under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623, the laws of Hong Kong) or otherwise.
These Terms of Use and all matters relating to your access to, and use of information on this website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and you agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.
If any provision of these Terms of Use is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms of Use and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
10.上述條款及細則未涵蓋之任何事項及情況, 皆由本公司作決定。本公司擁有獨有之酌情決定權。 本條款及細則受香港法律所管轄, 如有不適用者, 則以香港特別行政區法律為依歸。
Any other matters and/or instances which have not been covered by the above shall be decided upon by the company. The final decision shall rest on the sole discretion of the company unless the laws of Hong Kong SAR state otherwise.
In the event of a dispute, our decision shall be final and conclusive.
二. 優惠代碼優惠券
Promotion Code (Coupon)
All promotion codes or coupons are subject to promotion-related terms and conditions, including promotion campaign.
除另有規定外,所有優惠代碼或優惠券不含現金價值,亦不可兌換成現金。Except where otherwise specified, all promotion codes or coupons have no cash value and are not redeemable for cash.
All promotion codes or coupons will not be refunded, redeemed or re-issued.
After all promo codes or coupons are used, Any unused amount of promotion codes or coupons will be forfeited.
We reserve the rights to suspend, terminate or change details of promotion code (or coupon) related terms and conditions and without prior notice. In case of any disputes, our decision shall be final and conclusive.
三. 網上付款Online Payment
1.我們接受以銀行轉帳、PAYME、轉數快) 及支付寶的電子付款方法。
We only accept online payment method, including Direct bank transfer, PAYME, FPS, PAYPAL(Visa, MasterCard), AliPayHK.
All product prices listed are in HK dollars (HKD).
We use the third-party payment service to process online transactions. By submitting the order, you agree that your credit card information will be collected, processed and kept by us and payment service provider subject to its terms and conditions.
4.我們將盡合理努力保障閣下使用網站時,相關付款資料之安全。但倘若閣下於我們網站以任何支付方式進行網上交易而招致或產生任何損失,閣下同意我們毋須承擔任何損失。We shall make reasonable effort to ensure the security of your payment data while using our site site If there is any loss incurred or sustained in making credit card transaction, you agree that we shall not be liable for any loss.
We reserve the right to limit sales including the right to decline sales to any person.
We reserve the right to change the payment terms for any order without prior notice.
四. 終止閣下帳戶Termination
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your member account if you are in breach of any of these terms and conditions.
Any rights that have accrued to either party at the date of termination will remain enforceable after termination.
五. 彌償Indemnity
You agree to indemnify us and hold us all harmless from any claim, loss, damage, cost, expense (including legal expenses) or other liability which may be incurred by us arising out of any breach of the covenants, warranties, representations and agreements herein.
六. 私隱政策條款
本私隱政策條款旨在解釋浤富國際有限公司(「本公司」)及其網站www.viewfull.com.hk (「本網站」)在收集、保留、儲存及分享個人資料方面的做法。浤富國際有限公司有權修改本「私隱政策條款」,而有關修改將登載於本網站上。
ii.瀏覽者個人電腦網絡協定位址(IP Address)及地域等,曾瀏覽本網站的時間、瀏覽器類別及曾瀏覽的網頁;及
7.閣下有權要求查閱及更正由本公司持有有關閣下的個人資料。有關要求,可電郵至info@viewfull.com.hk或致函荃灣青山公路459-469號華力工業中心8樓L-N室或傳真至(852) 2111 3861提出,本網站在接獲此等要求後,將盡快回覆。